
Where To Watch Premier League Matches In Ho Chi Minh City?

We’ve all been there, wondering where we can watch the premier league matches in Ho Chi Minh City, wandering the streets at an ungodly hour with our sleepy eyes desperate for a glimpse of that beloved green pitch. The Premier League’s got us firmly in its grip and we’re just trying to find a decent spot to watch our favourite teams battle it out.

It’s as if finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than locating a sports bar in Saigon that airs these matches. But fear not, fellow football fanatics! We’re here to end your prowling days and nights with our handy guide on where you can catch the next big game in this bustling city.

So sit back, relax, and let’s unravel this together because no one should have to miss kickoff time.


  • Ho Chi Minh City offers a vibrant atmosphere for watching Premier League matches, with plenty of bars showing the games and creating a lively and inviting environment for football enthusiasts.
  • Bar 22 is a recommended option for late-night football viewing, as it stays open late into the night and provides an electric atmosphere and unmatched hospitality.
  • Districts like District 1 and District 3 are popular destinations for finding sports bars and offer a variety of options for watching matches.
  • Fans can also explore other sports bars in the city, each with its own unique atmosphere, providing multiple options for enjoying Premier League games in Ho Chi Minh City.


Premier Leage Teams In the 2023 2024 Season

You’re in dynamic Ho Chi Minh City and you don’t want to miss any Premier League action, do you? Well, we’ve got your back. We know how important it is for you to feel connected to the world of football, even when you’re miles away from home. That’s why we’ve put together a list of places where you can watch Premier League matches in Ho Chi Minh City.

There are plenty of bars showing Premier League matches that will make you feel right at home. These spots have become gathering places for football enthusiasts like us, creating an atmosphere that’s lively and inviting. The camaraderie found within these walls is palpable – it’s about more than just the game; it’s about belonging.

The best place to watch the Premier League might just be Saigon. Known locally as Ho Chi Minh City, this buzzing metropolis offers a unique blend of eastern and western cultures making every match day experience unforgettable.

But our journey doesn’t end here! Now that we know where to watch Premier League matches in Saigon, let’s dive into some specifics: when does the new season actually start?

When Does The New Season Start?

Premier League 2023 2024 Opening Matches

Mark your calendars, the new football season kicks off on the weekend of August 11-14, 2023! We’ll all gather around screens to cheer for our favorite teams. Whether you’re rooting for Manchester United FC, Liverpool FC, Chelsea FC, or Arsenal FC – we’re all in this together.

The thrill and anticipation of a new season is like nothing else. The excitement builds as we count down toward that first whistle blow. Each match, each goal, each victory brings us closer together as fans. It’s not just about watching football; it’s a shared experience that unites us.

This upcoming season promises to be an exciting one with matches scheduled right up until May 19, 2024. What better way to spend those weekends than by joining fellow supporters in Ho Chi Minh City? Let’s enjoy every tackle and every goal as a community!

But before we get too carried away with our enthusiasm for the coming games, let’s address one tiny issue – where exactly in Saigon are we going to watch these thrilling matches? This leads us onto our next topic: the apparent shortage of sports bars in Saigon.

The Lack Of Sports Bars In Saigon

No Sports Bars In Saigon

It’s a real letdown, isn’t it? Finding a bar in Saigon where you can catch live football games late into the night has become something akin to finding a needle in a haystack. The lack of sports bars in Saigon is apparent and leaves us footie fans with limited options.

  • Most bars close before the late kick-off games even start.
  • Only very few bars have big screens to watch the football matches.
  • Some districts seem completely devoid of any suitable outlets for our fandom.

There’s just something about sharing the excitement, tension, and camaraderie with fellow fans that makes watching live Premier League matches an experience beyond compare. We are reduced to huddling around small TV sets or resorting to low-quality streaming services on our devices at home when we should be out there painting the town red – or blue, depending on your allegiance!

But fret not! There seems to be some light at the end of this rather gloomy tunnel. There’s a place in town that might just be able to satisfy our need for late-night football viewing. Let me tell you more about it – let’s talk about ‘Bar 22’ coming to our rescue!

Bar 22 to the rescue!

Should we do this as a half time perfomance? hehe
Watch all the premier league games at Bar 22

Don’t worry, fellow footie fanatics, ‘Bar 22’ has got us covered! As hardcore Manchester City FC supporters or just general Premier League enthusiasts, we all need a place to catch the live action.

If you’re visiting Ho Chi Minh City as a tourist or even if you’re an expat living here, Bar 22 is your ultimate destination.

It’s not just any ordinary girly bar; it provides the perfect setting for watching those late-night matches. Open late into the night and early morning hours, this bar ensures no game goes unwatched. You can sit back with your drink and take in the electric atmosphere while our beautiful Vietnamese bar girls serve you with unmatched hospitality.

Then there’s the camaraderie – nothing beats sharing those nail-biting moments with fellow football lovers. It’s like being part of a community where everyone speaks the language of football. And hey, why not invite one of our friendly girls to join in on the fun? They’re always up for some good conversation and companionship!

So remember folks, when it comes to catching Premier League games in Ho Chi Minh City, Bar 22 is where it’s happening!


So, there you have it! We’ve navigated the maze of Ho Chi Minh City to find the perfect spot for our Premier League cravings.

Bar 22 has truly been a beacon in a sports bar desert. Don’t miss out on the new season’s thrills and spills; join us at Bar 22, where every match is an unforgettable experience!

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